Information about the used computational method

This page gives information in the form of references that describe the method of orthogonal operators. The references describe the formalisme as well as the application to specific systems. All data given in this home page were obtained using the orthogonal operator technique. This technique was used to calculate values for energy levels and transition probabilities. Publications on the subject of orthogonal operators are given below. The calculations especially concern the levels of the 3d^N, 3d^N-14s, 3d^N-24s2, and 3d^N-14p configurations. Those ions that have been calculated are indicated below. Here the ions shown were calculated in 1998. Since Peter and Ton are retired now they have restarted their work on orthonal operators. So this will be renewed and/or extended. Levels in the E1-files indicated by "*" are known energy level values. Levels without indication of "*" in the files of transition probabilities are unknown, just calculated level values.

Publications on the orthogonal operator method

-J.E. Hansen, B.R. Judd, A.J.J. Raassen and P.H.M. Uylings:
Interpretation of higher order magnetic effects in spectra of transition metal ions in terms of SO(5) and Sp(10).
Physical Review Letters 78, 3078-3081 (1997)

-J.E. Hansen, A.J.J. Raassen, P.H.M. Uylings and G.M.S. Lister:
Parametric fitting to d^N configurations using orthogonal operators.
Nucl. Instrum. Method B31, 134-138 (1988)

-G.J. van het Hof, A.J.J. Raassen and P.H.M. Uylings:
Parametric description of 3d^N4s configurations using orthogonal operators.
Physica Scripta 44, 343-350 (1991)

-P.H.M. Uylings and A.J.J. Raassen:
High precision calculations of odd iron-group systems with orthogonal operators.
Physica Scripta 54, 505-513 (1996)

-A.J.J. Raassen and P.H.M. Uylings:
Orthogonal operator calculation of E1, M1 and E2 transition probabilities in Ti III and V IV.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. Series 123, 147-158 (1997)

-A.J.J. Raassen and P.H.M. Uylings:
The use of complete sets of orthogonal operators in spectroscopic studies.
Physica Scripta T65, 84-87 (1996)